First and foremost illiteracy is defined as “the inability to read and write”, and “the lack of knowledge in a particular subject”. However, it is oftentimes used wrongfully, as people who are unable to do these tasks, which are seen as “simple skills” in the eyes of the public, are deemed as stupid. For, a number of individuals who have received an education that has been easily accessible to them, struggle to empathize with others who haven’t been as privileged to do so.

In turn, there are several locations throughout today’s world where some kids will never have the opportunity to read or write, or to gain the knowledge-and/or news-that is so easily accessible to some through the click of a browser-or through push notifications. For, some do not have the resources it takes to be able to engage in that of the world around them, but unfortunately this is a sad truth that some fail to comprehend, but instead close their eyes to.
In addition, it is not only kids that face illiteracy, but adults as well, as some even go to great lengths to hide it, due to feelings of embarrassment or shame. They fear, but are oftentimes right in doing so, because when they try and speak out, and/or trust/confide in others, they are shamed or dehumanized due to their undeveloped skills. But this is a topic that is frequently overlooked as people fail to see how these humans-who are just as valued, and important as them-got to that spot in the first place.
Yet many factors pin point to such, which are listed as follows; “having parents with little schooling, lack of books at home and lack of reading stimulation as a child, dropping out of school, difficult living conditions including poverty, and learning disabilities, they are unable to get books, etc.” These circumstances do not only take place in children, but adults as well.
In conclusion, this is a problem where such individuals who may have missed out earlier in life must be taught-with a helpful approach-rather than with judgement, hate, and/or even shame. But, in order to do that, people must first be literate in regards to the situation itself which can be done through illustrating their activism. A T-shirt with a simple message in regards to the issue can do just that, as it can impact others. As a result, this can drive others, and spark a desire within them to make a change in that of a devastating cause.